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/robowaifu/ wants you No.57

The future is now, anon. AI, robotics, and material science have reached a point where robowaifus are now in the realm of possibility. We need anons with skills of all kinds: artists, scientists, engineers, programmers, makers, writefags and more are all needed to bring our robotic wives into reality. Come and join our multidisciplinary team of robowaifus technicians and be a part of a better tomorrow.
Join us at julay.world/robowaifu
We also invite this site's administrators to post and network in our embassy thread.


Very cute, anon.

Not the administrator of this site, but the embassy thread appears to be locked.


Just notified the BO


Maybe try again now Anon? Apologies about that.


New address: https://alogs.theguntretort.com/robowaifu/ which is more development oriented, while there is at least another one on fatchan.org/robotwives which is a bit more political and general. Also, the bunker for robowaifu is at anon.cafe/robowaifu


I haven't been to anon.cafe in months. Time for me to make a return. Also I know of fatchan but never really been on there outside of lurking once or twice. Just how bad in terms of being political is it?