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Do you support terrorism?


Only ecoterrorism with my furry friends.

I know you're reading this Robuttnik! Eat shit you fat fuck! Then maybe you'd be able to catch me 😉




One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.


No, but I will defend anyone who firebombs a psychiatric concentration camp, or murders, rapes and mutilates a psychiatrist.

Psychiatry is fascism hiding behind a doctors gown.


Muh medical fascism!

The Nazis were defeated in 1945.


But Hans Aspergers theories survived and the Freudsters are trying to cover him up due to his involvement with the Nazi extermination of the physically and mentally invalid, including children...

Psychiatry is not just medical fascism that power hungry states love to abuse, its abject pseudoscience. Worse than a state sponsored homeopathy programme, Which britfags might one day see when Charlie Windsor plonks his arse on the throne.




Yes I do, and so should you.


I really wish they would prescribe benzos instead of antipsychotics


The only justification I can give for benzos is that you can overdose/YEET yourself.
Benzos did nothing good to me. They made me angry and violent and ironically more suicidal than I initially was. Stupid shrinkiologists! Just because you wear a fancy lab coat doesn't make you the Albert Einstein of medicine/biology.

I compare psychiatry's meme of meds to debugging software with a soldering gun, You'll only end up with a ruined motherboard.


best form of suicide,


I guess thats why they call it an hero!


Terrorism is just what the government whines about when someone challenges its monopoly on violence.


Based nigga


Cartels aren't terrorists


Terrorism isn't real.


oh no them big ruby ridge terrorists were about to asplode the totally righteous government of the united all states...!!


I just mean I would rather deal with the temporary withdrawal effects of benzos than the permanent and imo more severe effects of APs. I'm in my 20s now but I still have a movement disorder from when my parents forced me to take APs from 10 to 13. not to mention gynecomastia lol


The only rational response to shrink meds is not even once, you should have spiked those bastards' coffee in the morning and see how they liked it! Your mother should have been embarrassed lactating in public and your father should have bigger boobs than a rikishi!
I recommend you quit cold turkey!
If you have any self respect disown and divorce them and never speak to them and refuse to be seen in public with them, that's what I did to my callous and cynical parents.
I think that psychiatrists should be forced to pay for plastic surgery for their victims.
I laugh whenever I hear a victim goes ER on his own shrink. I also masturbate to revenge fantasies about nurses being gang raped and mutilated in a mass uprising in a freudster concentration camp. I orgasm at the thought of those bitches dying covered in blood and semen.

This pornographic power fantasy may sound, disturbing, overly sadistic and outright psychopathic to you but children who have suffered cruelty know more than anyone how to inflict it...

The only shrink you can trust is a dead shrink!


Actually, when I was 10 I had gained so much weight after months of taking it our family doctor told us to discontinue the medication but the dumbass psychiatrist still wanted me on it. I can recall begging him to not prescribe it because I didn't want to get fat. For some reason it didn't cross my mind I could just sneak the pill in my cheek or under my tongue or something to avoid taking it. It is my deepest regret.


And yeah I've been proudly medication free for several months. i went off geodon cold turkey with zero issues.


Same here, though If I had the same knowledge and understanding as I do now, not only would I have slipped it under my toungue I would have spat it into my mother's coffee and wait to see when/if she finds out something's wrong.

Good man! Shrinks who believe in imaginary diseases, hypothetical chemical imbalances that can be cured by dubious mind altering drugs far worse than meth, cocaine or even heroin are themselves deluded.

The thing that strikes me most that psychiatry is a scam is the fact that religion appears nowhere as a disease in the DSM bible.

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity when many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

Those paranoid shrinks were so scared of having their own strength turned against them that they desperately tried to stop Dr Dawkins from using their term to describe religion (and themselves, though they dared not admit it) suggesting the cringey term "relusion" instead. Perhaps they know deep down that they will be next to have their cult exposed for what it is: deluded and unscientific.


What if insane people are the normal ones?


DSM doesn't consider wanting to fuck man ass an illness anymore either.


Each schizo has their own delusions. The question is, which one is right? I vote for fedsmoker


I give every gay person I know who visits a shrinkiologist the redpill about how he would have been treated just 50 years ago.
I also warn them that their bf might leave if his meds give him breasts.


>I give every gay person I know who visits a shrinkiologist the redpill about how he would have been treated just 50 years ago.
that's really cringe because i can assure you 99% of them already know. it's common knowledge they were seen as mentally ill by default and experimented on and chemically castrated (Alan Turing being on estrogen was common knowledge in school).


Well if they already know and give their money to these charlatans they are hypocrites, what could be more cringe than that! And its not just faggots, Niggers need remember that their enslaved ancestors had a made up disease too when they tried to escape: Drapetomania.


It’s just a rather fallacious argument imo. People can change. It’s almost as dumb as when Republicans refer to the fact that Democrats used to support slavery

You need to make an argument as to how gay people are affected by psychiatry nowadays. If historical treatment is relevant then you can include that.


You know what they say, once a nazi always a nazi. But godwin's law and personal hatred aside, psychiatry is a failed enterprise, the number of people diagnosed and on meds has gone up not down, one in five Americans is on some sort of freudster drug, the same with suicides and a large proportion of suicides being gay suicides, and the so-called prevention methods only reinforce the taboo about talking about wanting to commit suicide. I can assure you when I go it will be a surprise and shock to everyone who knew me, and I won't hesitate to make them feel personally responsible for my death and so guilty that they consider similar ways to wash the blood from their hands. Also many states so-called "conversion therapy" is not just legal but recommended for gay teens by cuckservative shrinks. If that isn't pseudoscience to you, I shall start drinking homeopathic coffee with a single molecule of caffeine floating in it to keep me up all night!


In Soviet Russia, you had sluggish schizophrenia.


Good Call.

