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When did you get your first Laptop or PC? No.13088

I got mine at age 14 it was a surface pro laptop not sure why I chose it, Just looked cool. It was expensive as shit and wasn't that good kind of wished I got a gaming Laptop instead.

I just used it for Anime and YouTube thats all.


>it was a surface pro laptop
Jesus I'm old.


>gaming laptop


Don't knock laptops especially not gaming laptops these days. They're leaps and bounds better than their predecessors. They've come a long way, and credit should be given where credit is due.

Premium laptops are the only PCs seeing any growth, and they beat out cheapo desktops.

Anyways, my first PC was a black Compaq running WIndows 98SE. My first proper PC was a Dell XPS 420 which wasn't bad, but the 720 was the one to get. I got one of my childhood dream PC cases which is the HP Blackbird but no Voodoos.


Some shitty Emachine computer around 2008 when I was like in the eighth or ninth grade. Sucked ass but it could play RuneScape which is what I cared about at the time.


My first computer I used was some old school Windows 90s era computer when I was 8, after that I used a Windows XP desktop, then a Windows XP laptop which I installed Linux on, then a custom built Windows gaming PC. I built a few more gaming PCs, I still have one, but for most tasks I use a Macbook Pro now.


definitely when i was a kid, maybe around 11 or 12
would explain my crippling addiction to it and the fact that it's literally my one line for human socialisation now


It was part of a government program for smart kids
I still have it but as its screen broke I had to buy a monitor


I forgot to say but it's a Laptop, obviously