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Anyone else disabled? No.2198

Anon are you disabled either physically or mentally officially and if you are how is your life and what is your disability if you would like to share.
Do you feel guilty for being mentally ill?

I am officially disabled because various mental illness or at least that is what the professionals have declared which helps with SSI and getting access to more supports.
I personally think all hikikomori or at least hardcore hikikomori are disabled obviously as we cannot really go outside and do anything often with depression and other serious problems.

I do not like the term disabled though even if true for what is psychosocial officially but lets face it we are if we meet the criteria not to say we cannot improve but by this point what is there left to improve and what does that even mean at all?
Normalfags seem to think improving equals working a lot of hours and having a GF/family but what if you do not want to work and you just want to be able to concentrate enough to do your hobbies?
It is no secret that unless you are severely autistic or scizophrenic to a degree that leaves you incapacitated all the supports that exist and wlefare is just like some insurance policy on yourself as a worker bee who just needs to heal up. The goal of psychiatry and especially psychology may be to reduce negative effects of mental "illness" but the end goal is to get you working and it is not a conspiracy that the shrink is involved in they are not in cahoots with the government it is simply the way the field is from its roots.
Historically you are either locked away maybe put in a human zoo or experimented on if not as ill pushed to work and provide as a worker bee.
I may have serious mental problems that would exist regardless of my environment but share the same view as Ted when it comes to a lot of mental illness being a response to how shit everything is in society except I do not think modern society is to blame it is just a part of being human and a thinker it is rational to feel distress when you really think about anything.

I got off topic but basically I can get the equivalent to baby sitters and extra mommies to look after my NEETself because I am mean to be severely mentally ill which I am but at the same time feel I am fine and there really is a conspiracy around me trying to convince me I am so much worse than I am but I may be delusional a little but seems strange to me however what do "they" have to gain from allowing me to sit at home on NEEETbux and picking up my piss bottles?


>Do you feel guilty for being mentally ill?
Not anymore... I did, though. I mean people constantly doubt your condition, that's a weird vibe. Especially when your symptoms make you vulnerable for self doubt anyways. I needed a few years to get over this tbh.

I'm on disability too for depression and a few physical problems.


It is the self dount that is messing with me I feel liek a big phony taking advantage of the system somehow but at the same time have serious issues so weird.

You have people you met with in meatspace doubt your condition?


yes I'm mentally ill on a severe spectrum.
No i don't feel guilty about mentally ill as it's something nothing gotta do with me but the chemicals in your brain.
Life is good I'm on disabilitybux and my family doesn't force me to go look for a job.
Best part is making egg mcmuffin and drinking asian grape soft drinks at 11 at night and browsing image boards and watching youtube


>You have people you met with in meatspace doubt your condition?
I meant the depression, should've mentioned that more clearly. A lot of people, even some relatives have accused me to be just a lazy sloth more than once. The conceot of a severe depressive episodes seems to be hard to understand for a healthy person...


>It is the self dount that is messing with me I feel liek a big phony taking advantage of the system somehow but at the same time have serious issues so weird.
Anon felt exactly the same. (And sometimes still does. It's a symptom, nothing more.) We wouldn't get that amount of help if we could function normally.


We live in a world of extremes. I wish I was on disability.


Took years for my parents to understand and one of them is on disability themselves for mental problems but thinks I am depressed because demons and not being christian sigh.
Had to do things other than lay in bed a few times this week and incredibly exhausted!!

Thoughts on being in support housing I talked to some people and I qualify but imagine I would have them checking on me all the time as have been in similar sort of accommodation before and it drove me mad!!!


Mentally, yeah. Got diagnosed with Autism at the age of four. I probably also have depression and anxiety. I don't really feel guilty about it, i've just accepted it.


I'm all sorts of fucked up, mentally. But I am aware of it. So I'm "functional". Anyone who knows me would say otherwise so I have that going for me.


This anon is aware but not to full extent but when getting so much NEETbux must have something wring with you I guess.
You get bux for iit?


Your writing style is cute. I don't know why, but there's something cute about it.


This anon is paranoid now.


I have yet to try and obtain neetbux. I am not always honest with the psychiatrist because I'm pathetic and want to be considered normal to some degree


at the very least I can help to explain that last part. they want homeless and unemployed people to be both around, and also constantly unsatisfied, to make sure the worker bees you spoke of have a constant reminder of what happens to people who don't follow the system as it is now.

hippies were considered such a big threat in the sixties because they were jobless while also being happy, and that's a big nono according to "them". (there are other reasons hippies were hated so much by the media but that's is the only one relevant to this conversation)

there's no conspiracy to keep *you specifically* from being happier but rather they're interested in making sure the low end of society doesn't get too happy. it's the same reason why the USA actively tried to make relief meals worse during the depression, going out of their way to use sub-par meats and cheeses and ridiculous recipes when they could have used cheap ingredients that were still good.

you're basically being used as a threat. not sure if that'll make you feel better or worse, but it is what it is.

to answer your post question, yeah. I have a very mild form of high functioning autism. I can blend in with normal people, but it doesn't really *feel* like I am one.


hello everyone, i like wiz sex and i am a loser. plz dont ban me. i have wandered far away from my hapa colony and i find myself scared and confused


nope fully functioning human being


I feel deeply broken and like a husk. They can call me disabled or whatever they want to all I'm living for now is to tidy up my affairs before death and find what little fleeting joy I can


I probably have something physically wrong with my brain, but I'm too stoic to show it, and that means that I'll never be able to collect disability-pay. I suppose that's for the best. I'd only have ended up trapping myself in a world where I'd spend it on things that will keep me in a prison of corruption.


My mother insisted I was a sperg, a view that my abusive father and even my brother have both refuted, however the father refuses to acknowledge his responsibility in my abuse, now I live the good life earning NEETbux from wagecucks tax dollars and have never spoken to my family for more than a year, family is overrated my cat brings me all the love I need. however if i could do it over again I would have dropped out of that tard school my mother put me in and gone full Kemper on her ass and when she put me on a plane to see my abusive spiteful father I would pretend to go through TSA then do a U turn and head for the train station and catch a ride home in my favorite means of transport. Now both parents are probably depressed and i am doing fine writing free/libre software.


I don't think I have mental problems.
The problem is everyone else. Most "people" on Earth are cancer-golems. They have no souls and they only consume and destroy. It's difficult to stay calm and healthy in a world that is literally hell, filled with demons. Earth is like an outer ring of hell.
Most of the time I'm in despair. I probably have lots of "mental problems", but I doubt I'd ever be lucky enough to get disability pay in this terrible country.
I hope my life is all part of God's plan and that He frees us all soon.
Heaven will have no evils. You won't have to worry about golems or struggling.


Hey neetfrens, new to the board and have been lurking for a while, and wanted to thank you. in some sort of way it is nice to see others having these issues, just to know it isn't just me i mean.


Do many people use your software anon? I keep meaning to contribute to projects on github, but somehow it never happens.
welcom anon


relate here. if i didn't have my cats i would have been hung from my own rafters years ago. i am glad you have something you like to do, its always good to have some sort of motivation


awww thanks anon! my cat sleeps in my bed and purrs me to sleep!


This is an old meme but it's still relevant.
Just my single friend uses my software, he is also a NEET but less active in regards to programming, my code may have gone around on the sneakernet. I also use his software, he wrote a pretty cool bash script to change the wallpaper in KDE and i extended it to work for GNOME, MATE, Cinnamon and now XFCE. I distrust GitHub especially since Micro$oft gobbled it up. I'm considering self hosting and letting people make their own forks and if I like what they've made I'll include it upstream. I just have to find a hosting service, I know it's not going to be Azure or some amazon system, probably some Scandinavian VPS.


You think of doing more programming? Realistically, if I'm ever going to get out of neetdom, it'll be through getting a job in the IT field.

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I'll be programming till I'm old and grey and look like the mummified corpse of Richard Stallman! I probably won't look for a job in programming as I get NEETbux and no taxes. Whereas if I did work I would be subject to income tax just like any old J. Random Normie and that is something that would not benefit me or encourage me to look for a job. there is a common saying where i come from: "pay to work." and that is because the tax rates are so high. In the case that the state did cut my NEETbux I would probably commit seppuku. I see my NEETbux like a state subsidy on free software development although the state doesn't really know or care what programs I feed to my compiler. But by all means If you intend to get out of NEETdom I recommend the IT department of municipal administrations or small non-profit organizations, the programming jobs are mainly custom software or intranets, but system administration and network admins are also interesting. Big corporations tend to have nasty political agendas and witch-hunting.


Can confirm. Anything that involves rejecting rampant consumerism and not being miserable as a direct result is practically Enemy of the State tier. In particular it explains all the hatred of men who can't or won't subsidize females, as that's where the supermajority of consumer spending comes from.

This notion that you can put forth minimal effort and still get everything of value this life offers you is an existential threat for them.