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what sites do you use No.2248

What websites do you use to talk with other people who you can get along with?
I use some smaller imageboards and just tried using reddit but dislike it so wondering what sites you use.

4chan is just garbage mostly :( heyuri is nice new board but slow although faster than here


>What websites do you use to talk with other people who you can get along with?
Just lurk moar.


justlurk.more ?


I use smaller boards. I used which was a textboard with a separate gallery where you could upload files up until recently when the owner killed himself. The people pleasers would be,, and Dreamchan.


Well, what are your interests? There's no point talking to people if you don't share the same interests


Talking to someone you don't share interests is sometimes more enjoyable and pleasant.
Because you can see a different point of view, different perspectives of life.


It really depends on how agreeable the person is.


Only 4chin and this one
Back then I used *****rd but now I don't want to talk with anyone who might recognize me, I can't really delete that account because I want to follow some projects
Sometimes I wish I could stop needing to write in some website and be alone with my thoughts for a long time


A conclusion you could draw from posting this thread is that there are only so many things one can do with another’s perspective.
If there were more then you probably wouldn’t still be searching for people to talk to, because it means the ones you found had substance. But you probably found some, there were a few things to discuss, and then it becomes dead again.

Bending life around what you (on your own) find interesting may sever off some potential peoples and may make you more self-centered, but opens a portal in which you will have to find answers to trot along your new path and that will always involve new people.

The benefit of these new people is that they’ll share your values; if people do not share your values there will always be frustrations and misunderstanding, which, again, probably contributed to failures of past online relationships

The reality of the internet is there’s no more room for arbitrary connections and relationships. Either you have a purpose together or you fade away. Those that aren’t aware of this will only become dejected when they wonder why it’s so hard to feel connected with people and confused at how everyone is gone and your words are dead between one another


People of substance can be incredibly difficult to find especially if you don't benefit from some kind of privilege. There are many different kinds of integrity a person can have, and some will be more beneficial for you embodied in a friend than others.

People who share my values make me feel good, but I value far more people who reason and intuit on the same level as me because they're more relatable through those pathways. A nice person is always going to be apologetic even when they have to speak unpleasant truths. I don't want to waste my time talking to someone callous even if they agree with me on paper.

>The reality of the internet is there’s no more room for arbitrary connections and relationships.
Was there ever?



I hereby decree this the formation of the Substantial NEET Committee.

Now, let's begin!
First order of affairs...
Promoting sane NEET lifestyle and alternative forms of living!


>Sometimes I wish I could stop needing to write in some website and be alone with my thoughts for a long time
all too relatable


I do not want to promote the NEETlife to normalfags if everyone went BEET us true NEET would not get as much bux


Nah you wouldn't have to worry about that. Most NEETs are broken already, most normies are not and wouldn't be able to get disability aka the bux.
NEET life might be appealing to them, but their only hope of achieving the lifestyle is to either get rich or wait for retirement/retire early.


"true" neet vs normy neet

true neet almost never leaves the house
stays on computer 24/7
never socializes (sees no point)
stays in room 24/7
only cares about their own world, not the world of others
doesn't care about making friends

normy neet takes walks
leaves the house often
visits friends and family
some of them are normals who have enough money (from stocks and crypto) to retire. they used to have high paying jobs


more like true hikikomori vs fake hikikomori.


Hikik NEET vs. just NEET. Just because someone is NEET does not make them a recluse. I've met normie NEETs before, though they aren't common. The lifestyle usually makes you isolate.


So true neets are hikkis and don't exist online, gotcha


The internet is the only channel to communicate for this "untrue" neet-hikikomori.


I disagree about the walks. My therapist encourages it, but I still struggle with it.


If you have bad social anxiety that leaves you house bound exposure is the only way my NEET friends but you may well be like me and venture out only to see that the world is shit and it is better to remain a hikikomori.


>What websites do you use to talk with other people who you can get along with?
There are other Websites than this one? Ó_ò


What the fuck happened to beey-sama
I used to go there sparingly and he started to be more and more anti loser while coping with the fact that he was one, until one time i went there and the site was down, been down ever since, did he actually anhero?


> There are other Websites than this one? Ó_ò

You’re here forever!


I'm ready.


yes this is much better
i've always hated the infighting


I mean as far as we can tell he’s gone. I think out of respect for him I didn’t archive his farewell post on


>I didn't archive his farewell post
have you leaned none? everything lol.
To answer Op I use , , , , , , , , , various torrent sites and this site.






These (night)walks are exhausting but beautiful.


I mean I know I didn’t. It was on purpose. I archived every other thread.


I keep forgetting to come back to check here


nice digits and wow that is best girl right there!
very cute.

So are you doing night walks? really good that you are doing them anon! really hope you can find more in life to enjoy and sadly within a closed circuit it is hard to do that. hypocrite I am though :)


I made the first post ever on, before he reset everything a dozen times. I got the notion that the guy hated losers so after the first couple of weeks I never browsed it anyway. I tried to be kind to the dude despite his attitude but he insisted on being mean so whatever.

Why? Come on, post it. I like reading about the ends of people who shat on me.


People who hate themselves tend to be cantankerous.


Can confirm, but I am good keeping it to myself


I use this site 8moe 22chan and a few others but i mostly lurk 2ch and Futaba now while watching YouTube and hangout in Japanese discord servers and talk to Japanese NEETs.

>Heyuri is nice new board but slow although faster than here
It has the potential to be something great but unfortunately that faggot WT Kuz and his gang of zoomer teens who btw are not old enough to remember old internet culture are what's ruining it.


>People who hate themselves
So do I yet I tried my best to be nice to him. Some people just won't have it.


You can’t hold people to that. NEETs lack consistency. It makes befriending other ones more difficult than it has to be.


> and talk to Japanese NEETs.
japanese failed normalfag incels and teenagers


If you're implying they are larping you're retarded.


yeah have fun talking with incels


I don’t think he is, but the Japanese don’t really have an interest in purity spiraling.


Not all Japanese NEETs are incel otaku losers if anything Japanese NEETs are more normie like compared to western NEETs. Most western NEETs are toxic incel losers and very neurotic. Most Japanese NEETs are just failed normies since a lot of them had successful lives or decent lives before they became NEET/Hikikomori and some were even employees at big companies. My point is in Japan NEETdom can affect anyone regardless of their social status.


Most Japanese people don't lose their virginity until their 20s since 20 is the legal adult age in Japan.


I have a hard time believing people wait that long.


Well i was mainly referring to Japanese men Japanese women mostly lose their virginity during middle school or high school and have sex with their pedophile teachers especially gaijin English teachers and even the popular boys.


would prefer talking to these NEET than the majority I see online who are incel loser faggots.


Do these guys seem incel-ish to you? i don't think so,

I feel like i get along with Japanese NEETs better than most western NEETs and relate to them a lot more too.


They’re definitely incels but not in a Western sense.


Japan is more of a vocel country since a large amount of young and middle aged people are willingly choosing not to have sex or be in relationships.


whatever makes you pat ur dick retarded larper, be it men who don't work or whatever.
japan is top1 incel country, next to it is korea
about third of its population are incels for sure

they have been dealing with crime rather successfully, combined with rise of computers means incelism is a byproduct of men not going against public law that much (which will result in getting laid less)

i used to care about japanese, koreans and shit. it will come to you with experience as well. most of them are trash, especially neets and incels. lazy, boring genetic trash that can't even feed themselves


if you earn money under the radar technically you are also neet. its that simple. and it makes like half a whatever country neets.

but what you imply is just feasting on some internet lifestyle teenage subculture shit.

go work pathethic incel


Not a larper you can think whatever you want but i am not a larper i don't have a job i stay in my room and do nothing that's pretty much a hikikomori.

>Japan is top1 incel country, next to it is korea
>About third of its population are incels for sure
>Rise of computers means incelism is a byproduct of men not going against public law that much (which will result in getting laid less)
>. lazy, boring genetic trash that can't even feed themselves

You're not just fucking retarded you're also a goddamn normalfag.


>If you earn money under the radar technically you are also neet
LMFAO no you fucking retard NEET literally means Not In Education Employment and Training if you are earning money you are working therefore you are not a NEET NEETs and hikikomori don't have jobs don't confuse ニート and 引きこもり with フリーター or フリーランス

>Go work pathetic incel
Get the fuck out normalfag also not an incel.


Good thread.