1520809620600.jpg (307.57 KiB, 702x700) google saucenao

>a friend of my sister dies in a motorcycle accident
>go to her funeral
>lots of her friends are there
>I never meet girls because I'm a NEET
>try asking 8 of them out
>they all reject me in really mean ways
Why do normalfags hate incels so much? If society decided you're a social outcast and you try to break free from your condition people get so angry, it's disgusting.


>>try asking 8 of them out
You have a lot of guts. I wouldn't even dare to say hello. I'm not sure if maybe a funeral where their friend died is a bit inappropriate place to ask them out though.


It’s a funeral.


I can't tell if its bait or not lol.


>Be me
>At a funeral
>My best friend died
>I can't believe it
>She was so young, now is just... gone...
>A lot of pain, a lot of crying
>I feel so lonely
>Suddenly, a random guy I've never seen in my life walks up to me
>"H-hi, babe. Are you free tonight?" >Da faq. This is funeral not a bar
>"S-sorry, I have school tomorrow" >"Oh how dare you, I drop out high school 4 years ago and now you remember me I'm a failure you are so mean :("
>He leaves
>I see him ask 7 girls more
>I'm beginning to wonder if he even know Katie or just snuck into the funeral...
>I really regret not saying "Sit on a dick"


>"Hey wazup. sooo where do you know the bride from?"
>"There is no bride, this is a funeral."
>Oh, sorry... How did she die?
>...motorcycle accident
>"Lol, she was drunk, wasn't she?"
>"She got run over!"
>"...What you mean? This is serious! Someone die!"
>"Dude, who cares? They ran someone over, uhh Big deal. Happens all the time! Myself ran over someone the other day. But, well, I WAS drunk, hahaha....Man, I really suck at riding motorcycles.


That's a lack of practice, start going to more funerals.


My immediate response was to question why on earth anyone would do this, but the more I think about it, the more i'm just in awe at your courage.


>trying to ask chicks out at a fucking funeral


are you retarded? No offense, I'm just baffled


He’s socially retarded.


>he's socially retarded
his sister fucking died, he knows everybody that met her is sad, sad people don't like to be hit on. It's an extremely simple correlation, he's fucking retarded


A friend of his sister, actually.
You are correct though, it takes some pretty severe social retardation to not realize a funeral where people lost their friend isn't the place to hit on someone, but that's why they call it retardation. Not everyone learns or understands that because they have a disability preventing them from easily picking up things others easily do.


You sound like a cool guy. Wanna be friends?


>You sound like a cool guy
>Wanna be friends?
Everyone I try to befriend is a dick towards me either instantly or after a couple of days, so no. I don't really care that much when the former happens, but the latter breaks me every time.


Ah, okay. But, I really wouldn't be mean to you, I'm lonely, too. But, best of luck in whatever you do.




So this isn't bait? lol

