4e4.jpg (620.03 KiB, 1568x1030) google saucenao
What's your redpill level? No.5372

I'm level 3


I'm bluepilled.


I’m bluepilled as well


I'm bluepilled because I'm not retarded enough to think Islam isn't misogynist.


women are property. their only purpose is to cook and clean. if they ever leave the property of their owner, then they are to be re-educated, unless they are a repeat offender, then they need to be executed.
If you treat those that aren't human as though they are, then your world will be destroyed. Just looked at what happened when you gave women rights. Look at where you are now because you gave them rights and allow non-whites(demons) into your country.
Only White Men have souls. You need to oppose all the demons of this world.


Congratulations on making it to level 1 and well done! However you should know that tradcon waifus are just putting on an act. EVERY female utilizes or tries to utilize the dual mating strategy, no exceptions. Cheating with the pastor is a common problem.


This sounds like someone literally swallowed the bluepill to put their head in the sand and feel good about themselves.

pov.png (560.62 KiB, 885x682) google saucenao

I dont think you can understand women unless you've read Esther Vilar and properly studied behavioural biology and neuroscience.
Esther Vilar gives proper advice to all men, she's like a femcel that wanted to get back at the alpha females by letting us know the games they play.
Mom's do emotional incest with their sons and indoctrinate them into being nice guys. Similar to how if you were a father, you wouldn't like your daughter having sex with idiots, they want you to not be an ¨idiot¨ to women and get pussy so you can stay with them. Don't take my word for it, just watch and observe. I have a good reason to believe most of us neets were raised by narcissists. I'm forced to play these ego games and apply the 48 laws of power every time I get out of my room and talk to my parents and siblings, my dad's father died when he was a kid so he was raised by women, he doesn't even remember him so he ended up as a nice guy betabux.
I don't like to complain or use incel terminology even if I might be one (I think of myself as a virgin) and I don't hate women. You can't accept what you can't understand. The only thing the red/blackpill tells you is that love is conditional and it doesn't exists in this dimension, and looks play the biggest role in those conditions. If you live past 20 and are still a virgin like me, you're either a nice guy or an average/ugly guy that never tried (for good reasons). Good looking people never have to try.


>Good looking people never have to try


Do you feel like you're trying when you're getting upstairs? do you think paraplegic people don't feel like they are trying their best not to get judged and still try to be normal when they get into buses to casually buy a coffee outside?
We all learned to walk easily as kids, so it doesn't even feel like trying now. Good looking kids with decent parents get into sports, learn how to breath properly, developing a good face and social skills thanks to their parents. I feel like they are not grateful enough for that.
If you haven't lost your looks or lost a ton of weight and observed how different the world treats you, I don't know what to tell you.


Sometimes it’s better to leave the obvious unsaid.


You're right.


I'm blackpilled
The Ferengi's views on females are based


I literally don't care in the slightest about 3d succ or whatever their behavior or mindset might be. Bluepill, redpill, blackpill, is all just noise to me.


ban incel threads


kys faggot


get fucked nigger


But suddenly: Feet!


I just hate trannies
I don't care


Listening to the normals nonsense is very tiring, isn't it?
If I had a forum i'd ban all incels - The quality of discussion would go way up, because people with low IQ's would get filtered.


Typical woman, thinking IQ even has an impact on whether or not someone is an incel. We're incels because we are designated as such by women when they refuse to have sex with us. That's it. Unfortunately due to the Hypergamy Crisis, the rate of increase in incels is outpaced by the rate of blackpill/redpill lvl 3 information being spread. This means that most incels still are bluepilled. Conversely, the chads who regularly get girls to cheat with them tend to be the most blackpilled of all. Being blackpilled has strong correlation with being a chad.

The genie is out of the bottle with regards to the blackpill. Thanks to the internet it's never been easier to track female behavior, test it with chadfish experiments, and compare notes from the brightest blackpill researchers from all over the world. But that's just the blackpill which is separate from incels (i.e. involuntarily celibate men). If you want to eliminate incels, the onus is on women to suck the dicks of bald, ugly, short, i.e. unsexy men without compensation. Growing up there seemed to be this meme that "beauty is on the inside" but ever since social media became ubiquitous no one even pretends that's true.


I keep clicking on these threads, thinking I'm going to reply with something, then reading them, and realizing there's just no point in doing anything.


redpill is for underage poltards

i'm blackpilled


>We're incels because we are designated as such by women when they refuse to have sex with us.
You have a low IQ for caring. Stop caring about sex and the 'problem' magically disappears.


He looks rather disappointed


The Hypergamy Crisis certainly can be a problem for individuals, however I meant it as a problem for society at large. It's already causing problems in Japan and South Korea and those countries are basically 10 years ahead of us. Also in America there is the on-going problem of incel mass shooters who claim they're killing people because of "muh birthrates" but really they're just doing it because they realize the only way to secure female affection is becoming a murderer. Elliot Rodgers' many female fans are all the proof they need that appealing to hybristophilia is a sure way to get laid, at least in their prison's conjugal visits.

For the record I already don't care about sex.


I'm sorry for assuming.
>I meant it as a problem for society at large
Well, I can see this perspective, but it's also irrelevant to me cause' I don't care about society at large either. At least, not about things that don't have an obvious solution.

>Also in America there is the on-going problem of incel mass shooters
That is a problem, but I don't know that it's necessarily caused by them being incels. There's lots of incels in other countries, and they don't go around shooting places up (usually anyway). America is a place filled with mentally unstable people who have easy means to go shoot some niggas up for whatever retarded reason they come up with. i think if it weren't this, they'd have found a different reason


i like this image so much i'm so retarded


or actually its more like i don't know if this even is a problem for society at large. its a thing that exists but i dunno if i'd call it bad or not. if the thing wrong with this is that it lowers birth rates or something i can't complain because i think that's a good thing.


i like this image so much i belong in the gulag
