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Is psychiatry bullshit? Present your arguments.


Just like, don’t be crazy lol


totally based
I am a suicidal hikki and was abducted from the only place i feel safe in and put in a concentration camp, drugged against my will and subjected to humiliating sadistic torture. I have come off the horrible mind altering drugs but the traumatic effect has left me scarred for life, i will never leave my house and will attack anyone who tries to force me.
also I have lost many friends at the hands of psychiatry all underwent violent suicide to escape the brutal mutilations inflicted upon them by these quacks.
mental illness is a myth designed to make the redpill easier to swallow for bluepillers
psychiatry is what i call cargo-cult medicine,
essentially people putting on the image of a doctor and wanting to "heal" people of imaginary diseases, using the methods of a pacific islander trying to radio an airplane with a bamboo antenna.


wizchan all over again


labeling a child as mentally ill is stigmatization not diagnosis.
giving a child a psychiatric drug is poisoning not medication.
t. Szasz


forced psychiatry is torture.
if you want to turn a happy and friendly NEET who goes to sci-fi conventions with other NEETs into an isolationist and xenophobic hikikomori who attacks intruders indiscriminately upon entry into his space you need to use psychiatry/


Before I was socially awkward but more or less normal. It turns out that a combination of mental instability (it's called puberty) combined with quietly eating my dinner in peace (not even joking) was enough that I was called crazy and put in with a bunch of actual crazies.
Understandably, I came out damaged, which was proof I needed "treatment" for damages. Kind of reminds me of the kikespike vaccine, complete with myocarditis which I actually did get from their fucking drugs.
See, the thing about it is it's soycence, not science. The difference being a scientist starts with a theory and works forward until they reach a conclusion, a soycenist starts with a conclusion and works backwards until they reach a theory.
They'd already decided what I was.
So when say, for instance I sit down for dinner, drink some cranberry juice, and immediately vomit that means I have anorexia (remember, haven't ate anything yet, the one sip of cranberry juice is the only thing in my system) and not that I had an allergic reaction or just don't like cranberry juice. Absolutely nothing could convince these subhumans otherwise or make them quit gaslighting me over this.
And then these fuckers wonder why I have no interest in being around others, especially while eating. Mother fucker I would have been content reading books, playing video games, and living quietly.
You started this war and I will finish it.
I'll have the last laugh though because every day there's more threads crying about men checking out of a soyciety that hates them and wishes their destruction which means I am mother fucking Luigi, and I win by doing absolutely nothing!


Can confirm, I became hyper isolationist after getting away from that shit.


I not only became isolationist but extremely xenophobic as well. I regard anyone from outside my house with hostility and contempt. for me wagecucks are just niggers. The only people from outside I treat with genuine respect are Nihonjins and NEETs.
bluepilled xenophobia distrusting anyone from outside the borders of your government
redpilled xenophobia distrusting anyone from outside the borders of your house.


remove risperidone.


Psychotherapy was originally created by notorious cokehead Sigmund Freud for the purpose of treating female hysteria. That's why psychotherapy is only helpful to women and female-minded men.

Psychiatry as a profession in modern days is also used as an arbitrary blockade between people and their drugs. Without psychiatric grifters, we would be free to buy Adderall and Xanax over the counter. No one is more qualified to tell you what's going on in your head than you are, therefore no one is more qualified than you are to recommend psychoactive drugs.


freudster is a a pejorative soundalike slang term i use for people in the mental health racket by deforming the name of their pope.
more on soundalike here.


what is even worse than drug prohibition is being forced Xanax and benzos against your will, I'm suicidal and benzos made it worse. luckily the freudster pushed on me listened for once, probably to avoid a malpractice suit by my next of kin. personally if a victim of psychiatry achieves a successful suicide I think the freudster should be put on trial for murder. and by extension if his victim goes ER the freudster should not only be held responsible for the shootout but pay reparations to all victims including the shooter, believe me they have the money.


I have found the best punishment yet for shrinks. Electroconvulsive Execution. essentially it works just like an ordinary electric chair does except that it uses non lethal voltages and is used in 1.5 millisecond pulses. they are zapped non stop while they spazz out until they die from dehydration, hunger or exhaustion. They will also be injected with stimulants each night so they cannot fall asleep.


this image is most relevant here.


Yeah, and that.
I am reminded of how subhuman almost everyone is the instant I wander on a lamestream board. There's apparently those who don't know or are pilpuling that there is a one trillion dollar woke fund and that no, some faggot that pisses off his customers but spams LGBTQOMGWTFBBQ will not be going broke.


reddit is filled with degenerate bluepilled brainlet monkeys that are even worse than niggers.


It was a discord from a reeeeeeedit, which is even worse.


Discord has far too many chromosomes!


We even have our very own Fat Link!

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based soyscientists are too high on their own meds to make any theory sound credible.
if mental illness is a disease that needs meds to be treated then how come there is no medical test for it like a blood test for diabetes. surly a proven neurochemical imbalance would leave a detectable trace and the DSM bible would be obsolete.
it's like Penn and Teller said if you could prove the existence of Chi you would win a nobel prize for physics. The numerous labels i have received is hauntingly similar to tests used to expose Feng Shui, tarot card readings, and psychics talking to the dead. If Feng Shui was a science 3 different Feng Shui guys would arrange the furniture exactly the same way every time without ever having crossed paths. likewise if a NEET put on the disguise of a successful corporate exec the first thing the tarot card reader or psychic would say is "you're not fooling anyone, get a job!" but that is just not the case these frauds use a party trick called cold reading and hot reading if their victim has made the mistake of using social media and made everything public.
If i was really autistic then the quacks would have never said I had ADHD ADD PDD PDD-NOS Bipolar disorder IASDWCWBS (Incredibly Annoying Skepticism Disorder When Confronted With BullShit.) they use a plethora of excuses like comorbidity, underlying illness, and one of my favorite platitudes of them all "there are as many forms of autisms as there are autists"
Duhh freud not know humons r uniq. Duhhh freud snort coke too much. Duhhhh freud fuck eccentric bitches all day. Duhhhh freud think monozygotic twins r the same person Durrrr!


To the psychiatrists, I say: it doesn't depend on you whether or not hikki exist. If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!
Мы вас похороним!


Every person is a different "world"
So therapy might work for some, it's too random


That's the problem people consider it a science when it's not. True science can be repeated in multiple different labs and still obtain the same results. With therapy its hit or miss (mostly miss) and it doesn't help that there are a lot of incompetents in the field. like this bitch.


Psychologists are the biggest parasites on planet Earth. We had to pay them a large amount of money. The psychologist became wealthy because of us. What did we receive in return? A bunch of unhelpful platitudes. Nothing more.

How is this ok? Like seriously why the hell do people pretend like this is ok.

Those psychologists have never said things that would be helpful. But society still decided to worship/idolize them. People ALWAYS get angry when you criticize psychologists.
t. Hikki


Therapy Blackpill
Psychotherapy is a meme.


These quacks like put hyperactive kids on meth.
Why should hyperactive kids have all the fun?


>history is on our side


Gulag now, блядь!




Hard to imagine a timeline where x86 didn’t take off.


I know right! Would we all be Amiga users? Would MOS make a 64 bit chip? Would crapple still use M68K. Would acorn clones have taken the form of desktops instead of cellphones and sbcs. Would RISC have finally defeated CISC in the ISA holy wars. Who and what would Cyrix and AMD clone instead. One thing's for certain there would be no IME backdoor and Andrew S. Tanenbaum would have been cucked by Xinu, and GNU would have a different kernel than Linux, probably KBSD or Xinu.


Commodore was just a company that happened to sell computers during the 80s. No technical wizardry is going to save you if you don’t have a solid business plan.


Amiga Persecution Complex: n.

The disorder suffered by a particularly egregious variety of bigot, those who believe that the marginality of their preferred machine is the result of some kind of industry-wide conspiracy (for without a conspiracy of some kind, the eminent superiority of their beloved shining jewel of a platform would obviously win over all, market pressures be damned!) Those afflicted are prone to engaging in flame wars and calling for boycotts and mailbombings. Amiga Persecution Complex is by no means limited to Amiga users; NeXT, NeWS, OS/2, Macintosh, LISP, and GNU users are also common victims. Linux users used to display symptoms very frequently before Linux started winning; some still do. See also newbie, troll, holy wars, weenie, Get a life!.


Suicide is a fundamental human right. This does not mean it is desirable. It only means that soyciety does not have the moral right to interfere, by force, with a persons desire to perform this act. The result is far-reaching infantilization and dehumanization of the suicidal person.
t. Szasz


Drugging your own kids is one of the worst things a parent can do.
When children learn to devalue others, they can devalue anyone, including their parents.




Except kids treat their parents like shit anyways
In some cases


Here we go with the moralfags. Morality won’t save you.


Why not? Relentless pursuit of profit by VCs and others is what got us here. Unless you’re an ancap shitstain this should be obvious.


Ancaps BTFO!


parents probably deserved it though!


It really depends
Sometimes what other people say might influence their kids to act that way, even if someone was a good or ok parent


you will never be a good parent.


Psychiatry possesses a built-in capacity for abuse that is greater than in other areas of medicine.  The diagnosis of mental disease allows the state to hold persons against their will and insist upon therapy in their interest and in the broader interests of society.  Psychiatry can be used to bypass standard legal procedures for establishing guilt or innocence and allow political incarceration without the ordinary odium attaching to such political trials. The use of hospitals instead of jails also prevents the victims from receiving legal aid before the courts in some countries, makes indefinite incarceration possible, and discredits the individuals and their ideas. In that manner, whenever open trials are undesirable, they are avoided.


I wan't planning to
But as an example
>mom says dad bad


>mom says dad bad
>dad says mom bad
I say both bad


covering up shit is for faggots. learn to build your own wall.


I already did!


The penguin english dictionary defines a delusion as a false belief or impression.
By definition psychiatrists who believe that chemical imbalances in the brain are solely responsible for causing mental health conditions and that meds and ECT are the solution are themselves deluded.
Those who insist on forcing benzos, SSRI and neuroleptics are no better than a paranoid schizophrenic who believes he can write an operating system that can talk to god. god being the most common delusion amongst humanity.

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Psychiatry and Evangelical Christianity: Separated at birth?


Here is some really good evidence for why psychiatry and psychology are both mostly bullshit. Remember SSRIs? Yeah, there effrct on depression was debunked a few months ago. Any effect you personally felt from them was just placebo: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/07/220720080145.htm


>Hugs not Drugs
>Meditation not Medication
>Oppai is my Opiate
some anti-psychiatric slogans.