69C232E5-9482-4D56-AB5B-5D(…).jpeg (262.91 KiB, 1438x1112) google saucenao

>parents will die in approximately 12 years
>fired from 4 jobs within the last 2 years due to my mental limitations (im not retarded its just hard for me to emotionally handle being on my feet all day)
>the jobs that pay a living wage that I think I could do get like 35 applicants for a single spot
>not eligible for disabilitybux
is suicide the only answer at this point?


accept that ur trash and do trash things


srsly why u'll trying to keep it "in the law"


Yeah I should probably just go ahead and catch a felony at this point

I’ve hit rock bottom anyway so I may as well get rich with serial armed robbery or something


Being homeless isnt that bad but you can always be some old gay's bitchboy (in a dying neighborhood) or some young gay's bitchboy (in prison)

If you find some like-minded NEETs in the same situation as you, there is always the fabled NEET house share option (basically live like a Californian outside of California) : https://neetpride.wordpress.com/2019/02/27/the-framework-for-the-neet-houseshare/


Nothing left to lose? Perfect, You're finally free.


What they should do, is build megastructures filled with rooms that are the size of two single beds. Then instead of spending 99% of your money on rent, you get to save you money and be able to afford to eat real food. Then, with the rent being that low, they can create low-paying jobs so that everyone only works 3 days a week for 6 hours a day. Everyone would be more productive, rested, happy, and still have money because it's not being drained and hoarded by the smallhat demons that put us in this situation.


>What they should do, is build megastructures filled with rooms that are the size of two single beds
But think about the boomer homeowners! Their 800k houses will be worthless in the face of this superior way of living.


Not really


They're going to protest it in any case

But i still think u r wrong, investors who want to rent out the home are responsible for much of the housing demand


This is the future unless the next world pandemic/war kills a sufficient number of people